RUC Compliance – EROAD AutoRUC


EROAD AutoRUC allows you to automatically purchase RUC (road user charges) in legally minimum amounts — so you can keep cash in the bank rather than on the windscreen. Your new licence is automatically purchased just before your current one expires, ensuring you’re always compliant.


Key Benefits


Improve cash flow

Purchase RUC in legally minimum increments

Minimise risk

Reduce risk of accidental non-compliance and associated penalties or vehicle downtime

Reduce admin

Save precious time by eliminating need to check status and purchase licence before it expires

Set-and-forget RUC purchasing

If a vehicle is out on the road when a distance licence expires, you risk significant penalties, or vehicle downtime until a new licence is purchased. EROAD’s AutoRUC removes your risk of accidental non-compliance, purchasing a new licence before the current one expires, and delivering it electronically for display on EROAD’s in-vehicle and trailer hardware.

AutoRUC ensures total compliance, wherever your vehicles or trailers are, and improves cashflow, because you’re able to buy RUC in legally minimum increments.

You’ll also significantly reduce time spent on administration, with no requirement to continually check the current status of your licences.


  • Purchases next distance licence automatically when your current licence has 250 kilometres left on it
  • Automatically sends RUC licence information to the vehicle or trailer for display on your EROAD device
  • Purchase only the RUC you need, when you need it, and improve cash flow
  • Easy to set up in MyEROAD web application with direct debit authority



“AutoRUC is the best thing ever invented for a small business like mine. Most of the time it’s just me running the business, so time is precious and AutoRUC is a good time saver.”

Darryn Harris,
Director, Container Waste


“It’s human nature, you don’t check your RUC, including me! That’s why AutoRUC is a no brainer for us. We have 10 vehicles with AutoRUC set at 2000kms. It’s the easiest option for us. It means our admin lady doesn’t need to worry about it and we can avoid trips to the Post Office to buy licences.”

Spencer Walesby,
Director, City Siteworks

7309 8382 6705