Traffic comparisons show impact of changed COVID-19 Alert Level

Traffic comparisons show impact of changed COVID-19 Alert Level

The following visualisation compares a snapshot view of active heavy vehicles fitted with EROAD technology moving in our main centres, comparing before any COVID-19 restrictions were implemented with the first week of Alert Level 4 and again in Alert Level 3.

This shows that 67% of these vehicles are operating in Alert Level 3 compared to just 30% in Alert Level 4.


In the midst of the GFC, transport technology company EROAD, delivered a system that automated time-consuming compliance for those operating heavy vehicles. Since launching, the company has grown into an integral partner of organisations seeking efficient and effective management of their vehicles and improved safety for their staff.

During Alert Level 4 EROAD was designated an essential service provider, on the back of organisations like the New Zealand Defence Force, St John New Zealand, the NZ Transport Agency, local councils, construction and courier companies relying on EROAD’s services to enable efficient operations, keeping supply chains and essential services open. EROAD’s unique technology has become synonymous with reliability, accuracy and the provision of better uptime which ensures organisations are able to reduce their operating costs, including easily claiming back refunds for road user charges – and that’s a big advantage in tough economic times.

EROAD is supporting other organisations to begin operating again under the Level-3 restrictions, with the company’s technology enabling paper-less operations. This provides greater protection for drivers returning to work and gives each organization the ability to easily generate reports that identify wider contact tracing should they be required.



Media Contact

Sue-Ellen Craig
Director of Communications
Ph +64 21 577 685



  • EROAD believes every community deserves safer roads that can be sustainably funded. This is why EROAD develops technology solutions (products and services) that manage vehicle fleets, support regulatory compliance, improve driver safety and reduce the costs associated with driving.  EROAD also provides valuable insights and data analytics to universities, government agencies and others who research, trial and evaluate future transport networks. This data enables those who use the roads to influence the design, management and funding of future transport networks.
  • EROAD launched with the purpose of modernizing New Zealand’s paper-based road user charging system. By 2009 EROAD had introduced the world’s first nationwide electronic road user charging system and now around 46% of collected heavy vehicle road user charges in New Zealand are being collected using EROAD technology. By Dec 2019, this had delivered NZ$2.95 B to NZTA for the sustainability of the NZ transport network. In the USA, EROAD introduced the first electronic Weight Mile Tax service (2014) and the first independently verified Electronic Logging Device service (2017).
  • EROAD (ERD) is listed on the NZX, and employs almost 300 staff located across NZ, Australia and North America.

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