Fonterra signs five-year contract with EROAD for 500+ tankers

Fonterra signs five-year contract with EROAD for 500+ tankers


For further information contact:

Courtney Ayre

Marketing Director

EROAD Limited




EROAD modernises road charging and tax compliance and health and safety compliance for road transport by replacing paper-based systems with easy-to-use electronic systems that also improve fleet management. The company is headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand, and is dual-listed on the New Zealand Exchange (NZX) and Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Its US business is based in San Diego, California serving customers with vehicles operating in every US mainland state, growing outward in concentration from the Northwest. In 2009 EROAD introduced the world’s first nationwide electronic road user charging (eRUC) system in New Zealand and, in 2017, more than 50% of heavy transport RUC was collected electronically, representing a rapid transition to e-commerce on a voluntary, industry-led basis, due to the cost-savings and benefits to customers. EROAD is also a leading provider of health and safety compliance services, including vehicle management and driver behaviour and performance measures.

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