EROAD achieves US first with registration of Electronic Logging Device

EROAD achieves US first with registration of Electronic Logging Device

2 March 2017 Auckland Transport technology service provider EROAD (NZX:ERD) has successfully registered the first in-cab, hardware-based Electronic Logging Device (ELD) for the US market.

EROAD’s ELD has been listed on the US government’s register of providers offering services to meet new federal rules for electronically recording drivers’ hours of service.

EROAD’s device is the first on the register to offer permanent in-cab hardware as part of a comprehensive solution. The other 30 devices on the register offer less comprehensive app-based services using a smart phone or heavy mobile computer case without a permanent, in-cab device. EROAD’s major competitors offering in-cab hardware are yet to have ELD devices listed on the ELD register.

EROAD launched its ELD on Monday this week at ATA TMC, the American Trucking Associations’ Annual Meeting & Transport Technology Exhibition in Nashville, TN.

Trucking firms in the US have until December 2017 to comply with a federal regulation requiring drivers to record their record of duty status electronically in a way that is tamper-resistant and readily transferrable to enforcement officers. EROAD has also initiated independent, third-party verification to provide assurance to the industry that its system is compliant, best-in-class, and operationally easy to use.

“Having our ELD accepted onto the FMCSA register means we are able to offer a compliant ELD to the US market this month, as scheduled,” EROAD CEO, Steven Newman said.

EROAD’s ELD is offered on the same, integrated platform, as its electronic tax, safety and fleet management services, including electronic IFTA, Oregon Weight Mile Tax, driver and vehicle analytics, and real-time fleet tracking.

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