Infographic: Go paperless and let technology do the heavy lifting

Infographic: Go paperless and let technology do the heavy lifting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquet, diam tristique hendrerit semper, lacus nulla ornare dolor, at venenatis augue velit dignissim erat. Aenean congue pretium erat, sed dapibus mauris mollis sed. Proin bibendum gravida dolor, vitae aliquet massa pulvinar vel. Donec malesuada leo a eros pharetra, at varius ante ornare.


“Departments used to assign roughly $6K per month to vehicle cost allocation. Now it’s around $2500 per month. EROAD has also had a huge impact on fuel costs. In the first month of using EROAD we received 7000 over-speed alerts. We now see fewer than 150 a week, and only four or five of these are for sustained periods of time. As a result, I’ve seen my fuel cost drop by up to $3,000 per month, with increased utilisation and kilometres travelled by the fleet.”

Ken McEwen

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